Best WrestleMania entrances of all time in WWE history - Sportszion (2024)

The grandest stage in sports entertainment is a showcase for the best WrestleMania entrances that the company has to offer. Amongst the uncountable faces who sauntered into the grandest ring for decades, just a handful have amounted to excellence.

WWE is bound to display WrestleMania as the biggest Show of Shows, that returns annually to a deafening response. Partly contributing to the complete match, remains the wrestler’s entrance which gets the audience in the mood for something surreal.

More impressive the entrance, the more awed the audience is by the charisma that the wrestler brings to stage. Thousands of dollars, planning, logistics, time, and effort are shelled out at the creation of these unique ideas. Each more fascinating than the last, these are designed in such a way that the spectators are rewarded with visual elixir even before the desired clash is underway.

Since the moment these superstars step foot pushing aside the curtains they bear the weigh the world is pressuring on them. The finality has to be impressive, the fate of a business rests on that.

Hence, these people have endured excruciating torture on their bodies for years and made it vibrant to witness. Over the years, through hundreds of entrances, some have been etched too deep in the hearts as their entrances told a thousand stories that we were prepared to heed.

Today we do a countdown of the best WrestleMania entrances of all time that had the WWE universe awed and left hungry for more.

#10. The New Day (WrestleMania 32)

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There is no question that Mr. McMahon wears his creative hat while planning the next moves for The New Day. The Chairman has had big ideas for Big E, Kofi, and Woods, ever since their entrance as tag team champions started catching on.

In what seemed to be the largest crowd in the ‘Show of the Immortals’, New Day what easily can be considered one of the best Wrestlemania entrances, albeit ludicrous. The three-men team broke out of a huge box of cereals which was, of course, a ploy to sell the brand of cereals.

The men were dressed like the super Saiyans from Dragon Ball-Z while they ran down the aisle promoting Booty-O’s. The team that plays everything from unicorns to Francesca, the trombone, they sure received an enormous response.

New Day is usually known for the loud and extravagant entrances, but their WrestleMania 32 get-up was downright ecstatic. with every fan energized with their raw ‘positivity’, it ensured a lot of crowd eruption.

#9. Bobby “The Brain” Heenan (WrestleMania 9)

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The manager of the Gentle Giant Andre, as well as several animals under his stable, The Brain was one for big entrances. WrestleMania 9 became one such moment when grandiosity flew like sparks as superstars went Roman.

The two announcers Macho Man and Bobby Heenan arrived in separate ways, with Randy Savage being carried in by beautiful women and strong men in a platform. Dressed in silver and purple, and ever the most fashionable, Macho Man was a fashion statement, in his self.

Unfortunate member of the ‘World Largest Toga Party’, Heenan had to ride backwards through the aisle atop a camel that did not listen.

Heenan’s pleas and cries to’ “stop this thing” were ignored as he somehow hung on to the camel.

The beast dumped him near the ring to an eruption of crowd laughter and gleeful Randy Savage who revealed his blue spandex beneath the blue toga, to the camera.

What could only be a Michael Cole level humiliation to the Brain remained one of the best WrestleMania entrances of all time. Brilliant with ideas, Brain had no problem acting the fool, to sell his act.

#8. John Cena (WrestleMania 25)

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Making an obvious statement does not get bigger than John Cena’s entry into WrestleMania flanked by several of his look-alikes. Although The Leader of Cenation has reduced his act to a one-man play by now, this was when he went all out.

The jobbers picked up from the gym with bulging biceps and crew cut hairstyles arrived in a marching order as a lesser-known rap by Cena blared. Soon as the ‘U Can’t See Me’ music hit, the John Cena clones started with the wiper maneuver made famous by Cena.

In rolled the carrier of Hustle, Loyalty, Respect in black tees, and attitude on fleek, one of the best Wrestlemania entrances ever, the audience had not expected to see that big a welcome party for John.

Relive all of @JohnCena's EPIC entrances on The Grandest Stage of Them All!

Which one is your favorite???@WrestleMania

— WWE (@WWE) March 26, 2020

Mayhem, chaos, and more in number, the formula was utilized to the fullest by Vince, who saw Cena as a money-printing machine. Always hailed among the best Wrestlemania entrances, Cena’s extravaganza has awed us time and again.

#7. Ric Flair (WrestleMania 24)

Walking into the ring that made him, The Nature Boy had contorted his face to stop tears from trickling. Dressed in a shimmering midnight blue, having sealed his fate, the humble man had a slowed his gait as if to live in the moments a little longer.

Jerry Lawler’s, “Nobody has more style, nobody has more profile” rang true, as the 16-time world champion walked to the aisle. The extravagant feathers that formed his collar, the starry-night sky ornamented on his robe, everything about the golden-haired man screamed, regal.

Best WrestleMania entrances of all time in WWE history - Sportszion (4)

Flair was ready to end his career that night, he had seen enough, he had done enough, he would rest after that night, and he was ready. His eyes spoke a thousand things, of the memories created, of the champions held, and the reverence he had for the business where he found his calling.

The audience had felt the man’s emotions as they rained down praises and adoration for the wrestler who had shaped the wrestling business. That night, Flair was not the arrogant person bolstering in self-pride. He was a tired man with a heavy heart, bidding adieu to the business he loved.

His opponent for the night had read those eyes, had felt the pain the aging wrestler felt. The Heart Break Kid’s heart’s chords were pulled, as he mouthed “I am sorry, I love you“, before he made Flair collapse to the mat.

#6. Triple H (WrestleMania 30)

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The game has always been known for his larger-than-life persona, where he exceeds the realms of mortal men. In his battle against Daniel Bryan, the appearance of the Cerebral Assassin was one that etched him as a giant among men.

Sitting amidst smoke and a throne adorned with skulls and sledgehammers, the King of Kings resembled closely a warlock from the Netherworld. With a golden headgear and golden body armor with velvet red cape billowing, the King looked like a gladiator out to slaughter his mortal enemy.

The spikes sticking out of his armor, the chainmail hanging down his headgear, the death-stare that could make the bravest of hearts tremble, elucidated the majesty that Triple H is. His armor stripped away, he stood alone, breathing deep, before he would unleash nefarious torment on Daniel Bryan.

The Game has always coveted a stellar entrance in his big-time matches and this was, by all means, one of the best WrestleMania entrances he has had.

.@TripleH made one of the coolest entrances of ALL TIME at #WrestleMania 30. But who are those masked women? 🧐

— WWE (@WWE) April 20, 2020

#5. Shawn Michaels (WrestleMania 25)

The WrestleMania streak had come inches close to being shattered, in this match. Arguably one of the greatest bouts ever witnessed at the Show of Shows, Michaels exhausted his reserves in his attempts to overpower the soulless collector of souls.

HBK reversed the aura of the Deadman, descending from the heavens as an archangel, dressed in shimmering white. While being lowered down with his arms outstretched hymnal music filled the air, as an ethereal charm hypnotized the atmosphere.

His all-white mystical appearance negated the arrival of his opponent from beneath 6 feet under, amidst hellfire and thunder, one of his best WrestleMania entrances ever. HBK descended to the ground opposing Taker, his appearance deemed to purify the WWE of the Minstrel of Night, penetrating his streak.

#4. Bray Wyatt (WrestleMania 30)

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Sick, disturbing, and deranged, every time the Wyatt Family strode down the aisle, the audience and the opponent alike would feel intimidation crawling in their skin. However, the menacing entrance back in The Show of Immortals at WM 30, was a terrifying message to future superstars.

Augmenting with a tribalistic, ritualistic dance that could please a shaman, amidst cymbals, a masqueraded woman initiated the ceremony. The patriarch of the Family would then appear on the giant screen, announcing their arrival.

Mark Crozer and his team made a phalanx through which emerged the trio of menacing men. Dressed as plague doctors of the 16th century, the guitarists blared on, as Crozer gave the live rendition of “Live in Fear”.

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Fog covered the aisle and the arena, and the only source of luminescence was the symbolic lantern held up by the Brother of Abigail. With the Goliath of men, Luke and Rowan towering behind like sentinels of darkness, Bray’s presence was like an ominous entity’s arrival.

Wyatt shepherded the members of his family out to one of the grandest WrestleMania entrances. Despite losing to the Leader of Cenation, Wyatt owned one of the best WrestleMania entrances.

#3. The Undertaker (WrestleMania 29)

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The last successful dance at the “Show of Immortals” for the Phenom was when the streak was still impregnable. The Reaper walked through the aisle which seemed like the banks of River Styx, to collect the soul of his Straight-edged opponent.

Garbed in all-black attire with an eerie, unearthly chill in the air, Undertaker made his WrestleMania 29 entrance. Each time the menacing gong went, a collective gasp had run down the spines of several thousand spectators at the arena, holding their breath, witnessing a legend arrive at his battlefield.

Punk had had the gall of not bowing down before the Taker of souls, floundered and disrespected the recently departed Paul Bearer. All of these were Punk’s ploys to penetrate the icy cold mind of the man from Death Valley.

However, as Undertaker walked past the undead hands reaching out to him from the deepest pits of hell, emotions were not a thing for the Minstrel of the Night.

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The plans of Punk at a failure, Undertaker was now a meaner and more lethal Dead-man about to collect one more soul. Despite the crooked smile hanging loose from Punk’s lips, he could not have helped gulp at the intimidating aura of Taker.

Easily placed among the best WrestleMania entrances, Undertaker proved for the 21st time, why he is the legend.

#2. Steve Austin (WrestleMania 19)

What would be the ultimate arrival of the Rattlesnake to the grandest stage as a full-timer, was made emotional by the empathy extended by WWE cameramen. Steve Austin’s arrivals would be characterized by close-up shots at the Bionic Redneck’s impassive face, looking straight ahead.

Always the straight talker with a razor tongue, the gait of the glass-breaker faltered a little that night in 2003. With the cameras panning from behind, the fans witnessed the back of the rattlesnake who his fears behind the stolid expression.

The previous night had not been kind to the Redneck, as he cheated death and came back for the last hurrah…nay, Hell Yeah! Despite his Stone Cold demeanor at the face of insurmountable odds made famous by him, his heart had trembled at the uncertainty that lay beyond.

The WWE Universe was still blissfully unaware of the tempest rising in Steve Austin’s heart. The record-breaking 54 thousand fans showered their adoration to their Attitude Era hero who had undertaken the mammoth task of bringing down the authority.

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The Sisyphean task of going against the McMahon family had left Austin with decades of battle scars that tugged him away. The ‘Bullet Proof’ vest shone brightly at the light of a thousand flashbulbs, but the fear tormented the man inside.

This entry on the list of best WrestleMania entrances does not have extravagant as its key. It’s the immense burden that the shoulders of Austin were failing to carry, and a thousand emotions the stoic man never spoke about.

#1. Shawn Michaels (WrestleMania 12)

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Akin to his closest companion The Game, the Heart Break Kid had a panache for tumultuous arrivals. A medium to stretch acrobatics beyond a humane point, a superstar “Hanging from the rafters” used to be a frequent gimmick for grandest stages.

The Chairman before he had revealed his identity was at the commentary box with Jim Ross was going manic with excitement with ebullience. This spectacle was one to be immortalized for the generations to follow, HBK sliding down from the roof.

With The Hitman being blissfully ignored by the entirety of audience ll eyes were on Shawn, who made them ‘shiver’ with excitement. The Montreal Screwjob notwithstanding, HBK’s zipline entry was the most flamboyant way Hart was obscured to oblivion before the match.

The crowd was at its feet, cheering rabidly at the man who was flying straight towards them supported by a zipline.

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Mr. WrestleMania had just added the Mania into one of his best WrestleMania entrances ever. His countenance that of a poised erudite, he was starkly contrary to Vincent Kennedy McMahon having a hysteria with jubilance at the sight, at the announcement table.

Shawn Michaels was destined to be the showstopper for 1996, The Headliner for the grandest of matches, and his flying acrobatics bore testament to just that. The Heart Break Kid left behind a legacy irreplaceable, fixing his spot at the top of the best WrestleMania entrances ever.

Best WrestleMania entrances of all time in WWE history - Sportszion (2024)
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